Explore the Magic of Lightning

Studying Lightning Processes with Neuromorphic Imaging on Microsecond Time Scales (NEURO-LIGHTNING), is a project supported by DFF Sapere Aude. Mainly to study lightning plasma physics in micro-second scale

Explore with us

Our Project

The project concerns the plasma physics of lightning.

Lightning travels extremely fast and consists of subprocesses with short timescales and a large range of light intensity that is almost impossible to capture with cameras. We then know much about the general physics of lightning but less about its inner physics.

We will address this challenge by designing a fast, optical imaging system based on the neuromorphic imaging technique, a new technique developed for use in other areas but has yet to be applied to lightning research. The system will be deployed at a lightning research facility, the Säntis Tower in Switzerland, to measure natural and laser-triggered lightning at close range.

We will be able to image lightning with unprecedented detail, giving us a better understanding, for instance, of how lightning initiates, propagates and connects to structures on the ground.

Our Team

Dongshuai Li

Dongshuai Li

Principal Investigator (PI)

Olivier Chanrion

Olivier Chanrion


Senior Researcher at DTU Space

Alejandro Luque

Alejandro Luque


Scientist at CSIC-IAA

Farhad Rachidi

Farhad Rachidi


Professor at EPFL. Head of the EMC Group

Marcos Rubinstein

Marcos Rubinstein


Professor at HEIG-VD

Aurélien Houard

Aurélien Houard


Research scientist in Physics at Ecole Polytechnique in France

Torsten Neubert

Torsten Neubert


Chief Consultant at DTU Space

Nicolas Pedersen

Nicolas Pedersen

Ph.D. candidate

Ph.D. candidate

Our Collaborators

Contact Us

Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics, DTU Space

Elektrovej Bygning 327, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark